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Our Mission is Your Success

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Our Approach

We back exceptional management teams in businesses where there is a major opportunity to create strategic value. We seek out companies where the opportunity exists through change or “Dynamic Situations” - opening markets, helping regulatory restrictions and enabling activity.

High Growth
Where a business experiences high, sustainable growth, driven by a new source of competitive advantage or due to its strong positioning in a high growth market.
High Volume
Where low revenues yet high volume exists, unique business models are needed to tap into the sea of potential.
Where a company changes its business model or organisation to address shifts in its customers, markets or supply chain.
Event Driven
Where a major external change (e.g. regulation or privatization) provides an opportunity to seize strategic advantage.

The B&H Advantage

Extensive experience in emerging markets, thorough understanding of the internal policies and economies, relevant sectors, local demand and direct connections to businessmen and corporations.

Our team of experts identifies the potential in our clients’ initiatives and businesses, leading them to new partnerships and ventures, based on our rich experience and global presence with unique focus on the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

Carefully examining what resources are best suited for your business, we will provide the relevant business platform, including legal and economic infrastructure, establishing distribution channels/business networks to unlock potential benefits and to accelerate growth.

Ready to take the next step?

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